
经导管主动脉瓣置换术, 有时称为经导管主动脉瓣植入术(TAVI), 主动脉瓣狭窄是微创治疗吗. 当血液流出心脏时,要经过主动脉瓣. In patients with aortic stenosis, the valve is stiff and narrow and doesn't open and close properly. 这使得心脏更难将血液输送到全身.

As a result, patients feel short of breath and fatigued, and are at high risk for a heart attack.

The only treatment for aortic valve stenosis is to replace the faulty valve, 传统上需要开胸手术吗. For many patients, however, there is an equally effective, much less invasive alternative – TAVR.

How is the TAVR procedure done?

而不是打开胸腔取出并更换受损的瓣膜, the doctor threads a catheter, a thin, flexible tube, 通过血管到达心脏. 导管通常穿过腹股沟或胸部. Then, 十大赌博平台排行榜用导管插入一个新的瓣膜, 将其放置在故障瓣膜内以恢复正常的血液流动. TAVR手术比心内直视手术花费的时间要少得多, and patients recover more quickly, with less pain and scarring.

UCSF has a comprehensive valve program that offers catheter-based treatment options for all four valves in the heart.