


结节病 is a disorder that causes inflamed tissue, called nodules or granulomas, to develop in the body's organs, 最常见的是肺. 它也会影响皮肤, 眼睛, 鼻子, 肌肉, 心, 肝, 脾, 肠, 肾脏, 睾丸, 神经, 淋巴结和大脑. 肺结节可导致气道狭窄和炎症, 也称为纤维化, 肺组织.

结节病 affects people of all ages, 种族和性别, though it most commonly occurs in people between 20 to 40 years old. Children are rarely diag鼻子d with the disease. In very few cases, more than one family member is affected. 非裔美国人患结节病的可能性是欧洲人的三到四倍,而且病情可能比欧洲人更严重.

Our approach to sarcoidosis

许多结节病会自行消退,不会造成持久的问题. 如果情况持续, 加州大学旧金山分校提供专门的护理,包括减轻症状和减少炎症的药物治疗. 我们的专家作为一个团队审查每个病例,以确保每个患者得到正确的诊断和最有效的护理.

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迹象 & 症状

结节病的症状可能因人而异,并取决于受影响的器官. 通常情况下,这种情况会引起轻微的症状,无需治疗即可自行消退. In approximately half of all patients, 结节病在出现任何症状之前通过常规胸部x光检查. The most common 症状 of sarcoidosis involving the lungs include:

  • 咳嗽
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 胸部疼痛, which is usually a vague tightness of the chest, 但偶尔会很严重,类似于心脏病发作的疼痛
  • 乏力
  • 弱点
  • 发热
  • 减肥


In making a diagnosis of sarcoidosis, your doctor will begin by conducting a thorough physical examination, asking about any 症状 you are experiencing, 包括什么时候开始的,随着时间的推移是如何进展或缓解的. Your full medical history will also be recorded.

There is no singular finding that confirms a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. 因此,诊断是基于多种因素,包括症状,异常对a 胸部x光片 or CT扫描以及对相关组织或器官的一个或多个标本进行显微镜检查.

除了, you may also have the following 测试s to help rule out other conditions, 比如肺结核, which cause similar 症状 as sarcoidosis, and to make a definite diagnosis.

  • Pulmonary function 测试ing (PFT). 这个测试包括一系列的呼吸动作,测量你肺部的气流和空气量. 这可以让你的十大赌博平台排行榜客观地评估你的肺功能. PFT is recommended for all patients.
  • High resolution computed tomography (HRCT). 这是一种特殊的 CT扫描 为你的十大赌博平台排行榜提供高分辨率的肺部图像,这对确定你患有哪种间质性肺病非常有价值. Having a HRCT is no different than having a regular CT扫描; they both are performed on an open-air table and take only a few minutes. HRCT is recommended for all patients.
  • 六分钟步行测验. 这个测试是对您可以行走的距离和您在行走时达到的氧饱和度(通过手指或耳朵探头测量)的正式评估. 这是你的十大赌博平台排行榜在管理你的病情时使用的功能状态的重要标志. The six minute walking 测试 is recommended for all patients.
  • 支气管镜检查.测试 包括通过一个铅笔直径的柔性光纤镜进入肺部,获取液体和组织样本以帮助诊断. 这 测试 is an outpatient procedure, which means you do not have to stay overnight in the hospital, and is performed by your doctor. 支气管镜检查 is recommended for some patients.

一旦你做出诊断, 可能需要额外的检查来确定疾病的阶段和严重程度. These may include 测试s to check for sarcoidosis involving other organs.


结节病 is treated at the UCSF Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Program. World-renowned lung specialists, 胸部放射科十大赌博平台排行榜和病理学家作为一个团队一起工作,为您的个人情况设计最有效的治疗方案.

The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown at this time. Therefore, there is no specific treatment to cure the condition. 幸运的是, 在很多情况下, 结节病不需要治疗,因为结节会自行消退,很少留下, 如果有任何, signs of inflammation or other complications.

However, treatment is necessary in some cases. 药物可以有效地抑制症状,帮助减少肺部炎症, the impact of nodules and prevent the development of lung fibrosis. These include the following 药物治疗s.


糖皮质激素,通常 强的松, are particularly effective in reducing inflammation, and are typically the first drugs used in the treatment of sarcoidosis. In patients with mild 症状, 比如皮肤损伤, 眼睛发炎, 或咳嗽, topical steroid therapy with creams, eye-drops or inhalers may be sufficient to control the disease. 必要时,口服类固醇通常处方6至12个月. 在大多数情况下, a relatively high dose is prescribed at first, followed by a slow taper to the lowest effective dose.

症状,特别是咳嗽和呼吸短促,通常在类固醇治疗后得到改善. Relapses may occur after treatment with steroids has ended, but typically respond to repeated steroid treatment. 治疗结束后病情改善并保持稳定一年以上的患者复发率低.

研究人员继续研究类固醇在结节病治疗中的作用, 一些人提出了它们对疾病的长期病程可能有什么影响的问题. 然而,总的来说,类固醇治疗仍然是结节病的主要治疗方法.


替代药物用于不能耐受类固醇的患者, do not respond to steroids or wish to lower the dose of steroids. 这些包括:

  • 甲氨蝶呤.药物治疗 reduces inflammation and suppresses the immune system.
  • 环磷酰胺.药物治疗 治疗后病情恶化的患者是否常与类固醇联合使用.
  • Antimalarial 药物治疗s (hydroxychloroquine). These 药物治疗s are used to treat sarcoidosis of the skin and lungs.
  • 秋水仙碱. 这种药物最常用于治疗痛风,有时也用于治疗结节病相关的关节炎.


加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.



环磷酰胺是一类被称为免疫抑制剂的药物的一部分,它可以抑制免疫反应,减少肺部的炎症. 了解更多.


Commonly asked questions regarding 甲氨蝶呤 including, 建议, 预防措施, 可能的副作用, suggested 监控 和更多的.


关于霉酚酸酯的常见问题,包括建议, 预防措施, 可能的副作用, suggested 监控 和更多的.


Commonly asked questions regarding Prednisone including, the reason for 建议, 特别预防措施, 可能的副作用, 监控, 和更多的.


Many studies have shown a link between GERD & lung disease, including interstitial lung disease (ILD). The reason for this relationship is unclear. 了解更多.


Nutrition Manual for Interstitial Lung Disease including, General Guidelines for Eating Healthy, 身体质量指数, Increasing Protein in Your Diet 和更多的.


患有间质性肺疾病(ILD)的患者可以在这里找到许多资源, offering information and support.

Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease

肺动脉高压, 或PH值, occurs when blood pressure in the lungs becomes elevated, and can be caused by a thickening of the pulmonary artery walls.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation for ILD 病人

肺部康复是一项针对症状影响日常活动的肺病患者的综合方案. 点击这里了解更多.


Find 补充氧气 Resources including, The Need for 补充氧气, 你的氧气设备, 氧气安全, 带着氧气旅行, 和更多的.

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    为患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停等肺部疾病的人寻找支持小组, interstitial lung disease (ILD) and pulmonary hypertension.



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