
舌咽神经 神经痛


舌咽神经 neuralgia (GPN) is a rare condition that affects the glossopharyngeal nerve, 哪个在脖子深处. GPN causes episodes of severe stabbing pain in the throat, tongue and ears. These excruciating bouts last anywhere from several seconds to a few minutes. Some people have multiple episodes in a day, others experience them every few days or weeks. The pain intensity and features of GPN are similar to that of 三叉神经痛一种影响面部的神经紊乱.

GPN is often caused by a blood vessel, tumor or other tissue compressing the glossopharyngeal nerve. In many cases, however, there is no clear cause. Most patients are in their 50s, although the condition can develop at any age.

Our approach to glossopharyngeal neuralgia

As one of the top neurology and 神经外科 programs in the country, UCSF has experts who specialize in evaluating and treating challenging and rare conditions, 包括舌咽神经痛. Our team is experienced in both conventional and cutting-edge therapies shown to alleviate the pain of GPN. 病人 with GPN are given high priority in scheduling an appointment to evaluate treatment options.

奖 & 识别

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    Among the top hospitals in the nation

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    加州最好,排名第一. 神经病学全国排名第二 & 神经外科

迹象 & 症状

People with GPN experience brief episodes of severe shock-like pain in the back of the throat, back of the tongue or deep within the ear, 通常只在头部的一侧. Many patients find these bouts are triggered by a specific action, 比如咀嚼, 吞咽, 打呵欠, 清喉咙, 喝冷饮或打喷嚏.


A thorough history and physical exam are the first steps in determining whether you have GPN. A simple test that your doctor may perform is to lightly touch the back of your throat with a cotton swab. This maneuver often triggers pain in patients with GPN, while application of a local anesthetic (substance that numbs the area) can lessen the pain.

To confirm the diagnosis and determine whether you're a candidate for treatment, your doctor will order a contrast MRI scan. 为了这个无痛成像测试, you're injected with a harmless dye that interacts with the magnetic field emitted by the MRI machine; this creates detailed images that reveal whether a blood vessel, tumor or other tissue is compressing the glossopharyngeal nerve, 引起你的痛苦.


If you have GPN, treatment options include medications and surgical procedures. Either has the potential to reduce and even resolve the debilitating pain.


Our first-line treatment is medication. The drugs that work best at relieving GPN pain are anticonvulsant medications, 如卡马西平(替格妥), 加巴喷丁(丁), 苯妥英(狄兰汀), 普瑞巴林(重), oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) and baclofen (Lioresal). 如果这些药不起作用, stop working or cause intolerable side effects, 下一步是手术.


最常见的程序是 微血管减压术, which is very effective at relieving the pain of GPN when the underlying problem is a blood vessel pressing on the nerve. 在这个过程中, the surgeon makes a small opening in the skull, moves the offending blood vessel away from the nerve, and places a small Teflon pad between the vessel and the nerve. Long-term pain relief is achieved for 80 percent of patients who undergo this surgery.

If our evaluation revealed no obvious nerve compression, we may perform a procedure that involves cutting the glossopharyngeal nerve and parts of the vagus nerve, which is the longest of the body's cranial nerves. This surgery can also provide patients with pain relief.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.


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