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Cardiogenic Shock


当你的心脏突然无法向身体输送足够的血液时,就会发生心源性休克, creating an oxygen-deficient state. The condition is most often triggered by a severe heart attack. But it can also develop because of a viral infection, an abnormal heart rhythm, a blood clot blocking an artery in the lungs, or progression of preexisting congestive heart failure.

Cardiogenic shock can be fatal if not treated immediately. But even in severe cases, 如果用现代疗法及时治疗,大约一半的心源性休克患者可以存活下来. Once a patient is stabilized, doctors may recommend medications, 外科手术或其他治疗导致心源性休克的方法.

UCSF is an international leader in cardiac care, 为所有类型和阶段的心脏病提供传统的以及实验性的最先进的治疗方法. With a team that includes experts in general cardiology, interventional cardiology, heart failure, heart transplant surgery and other related specialties, we're able to provide the rapid, comprehensive treatment that patients in cardiogenic shock need.

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Signs & symptoms

People in cardiogenic shock may experience:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Sudden, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Weak pulse
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Sweating
  • Pale skin
  • Cold hands or feet
  • Less than normal urination or none at all

因为心源性休克通常是由严重的心脏病发作引起的, people may also experience heart attack symptoms. These include:

  • Pressure, 胸部中心充盈或挤压痛,持续几分钟以上
  • 疼痛延伸到你的肩膀,一只或两只手臂,背部,甚至牙齿和下巴
  • Increasing episodes of chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Light-headedness or sudden dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting


心源性休克的诊断通常是由急救车或十大赌博平台排行榜的紧急医疗小组做出的. 以下是他们可能用来确定你是否有心脏病发作和心源性休克的一些测试:

  • 血压测量——心源性休克通常会导致低血压.
  • Chest X-ray -图像提供有关心脏和血管的信息, and can reveal whether there is fluid in your lungs.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG) – This test measures your heart's electrical activity.
  • Echocardiogram 心脏的超声波可以显示动脉阻塞和血液流动情况.
  • 血液测试——各种分析可以揭示血液中是否含有过多的二氧化碳或过少的氧气(这两种都是心源性休克的迹象),并可以检查血液中的二氧化碳水平 tropinin心肌受损时(如心脏病发作时)释放的蛋白质.
  • Cardiac catherization 这项技术可以用来寻找动脉阻塞的区域,并检查你的心脏每次跳动时泵出的血液量和压力.


心源性休克治疗的目标是迅速恢复血压和心脏功能. 这通常需要在救护车或急诊室进行一系列的即时治疗. 其他治疗方法可能包括药物或临时支持装置来恢复血液流动,以及长期治疗来解决导致心脏停止泵出足够血液的潜在疾病.

Emergency and short-term treatments

Emergency treatments may include delivering enriched oxygen via a tube or mask; breathing assistance, using a ventilator; and intravenous (IV) fluids and medications to support blood pressure or heart function.

根据心源性休克的原因,可以使用一系列药物作为治疗的一部分. These include:

  • 溶栓药物,如组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tPA),可溶解冠状动脉血栓
  • 抗凝血药物——如阿司匹林、氯吡格雷或肝素——可以防止新的血栓形成
  • 增加心脏泵血能力的药物,如多巴酚丁胺、多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素
  • Nitroglycerin to relax and widen blood vessels
  • 减轻心脏负荷和疼痛、缓解焦虑或调节心律的药物

If medications don't stabilize your condition, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会建议使用一个支持装置,可以暂时接管泵血的工作, 恢复正常的血液流动,让心脏有时间恢复. These devices don't require invasive surgery. Options include:

  • 主动脉内球囊泵——将一个微小的球囊通过一根细导管置入主动脉(心脏的主要动脉), flexible tube called a catheter; the balloon inflates and deflates to move blood coming from your heart.
  • 叶轮式心脏泵-通过穿过动脉的导管输送, this small pump is implanted in the left side of the heart. 它从心脏抽出含氧血液,并将其推向全身.
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) -使用一个外部设备来泵送和充氧你的血液,让你的心脏和肺休息.

Longer-term treatments

一旦十大赌博平台排行榜确定了病人心源性休克的原因, 他们可能会推荐各种程序或设备来解决潜在的问题.

For a coronary artery blockage, treatments include:

  • 冠状动脉搭桥手术——一种为狭窄或阻塞的动脉开辟新通道的手术
  • Percutaneous coronary interventions -微创手术,使用导管打开阻塞的动脉,恢复血液流动

For an abnormal heart rhythm, treatments include:

  • Cardioversion 药物治疗或短暂电击使心脏复位,恢复正常心跳.
  • Pacemaker – This small electrical device regulates heartbeats; it's implanted under the skin and connected by wires to your heart.
  • Catheter ablation 这种微创手术会破坏电通路,导致心脏跳动过快或不规则.

如果心源性休克的原因是心脏缺陷或晚期心力衰竭, more extensive treatment may be needed. 可能的手术包括修复或更换故障的瓣膜, mechanical circulatory support (devices that assist the heart's pumping action) or heart transplantation.

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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