


A shoulder 核磁共振成像 (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is an imaging test that uses energy from powerful magnets and to create pictures of the shoulder area.


单个核磁共振成像图像称为切片. The images can be stored on a computer or printed on film. One exam produces dozens or sometimes hundreds of slices.


  • Arm核磁共振
  • 核磁共振成像


核磁共振成像 - shoulder; Magnetic resonance imaging - shoulder


You may be asked to wear a hospital gown or clothing without metal snaps or zippers (such as sweatpants and a t-shirt). Make sure you take off your watch, jewelry, and wallet. 核磁共振成像可以拉出任何金属物体. 某些类型的金属会导致图像模糊.

You will lie on a narrow table, which slides into a large tunnel-like tube.

有些检查需要特殊的染料(造影剂)。. The dye is usually given before the test through a vein (IV) in your hand or forearm. 这种染料也可以注射到肩部. The dye helps the radiologist see certain areas more clearly.

During the 核磁共振成像, the person who operates the machine will watch you from another room. The test most often lasts 30 to 60 minutes, but it may take longer.


You may be asked not to eat or drink anything for 4 to 6 hours before the scan.

Tell your health care provider if you are afraid of close spaces (have claustrophobia). You may be given a medicine to help you feel sleepy and less anxious (sedative). Your provider may also suggest an "open" 核磁共振成像, in which the machine is not as close to the body.

Before the test, tell your health care provider if you have:

  • 脑动脉瘤夹
  • 某些类型的人工心脏瓣膜
  • 心脏除颤器或起搏器
  • 内耳(耳蜗)植入物
  • 肾脏疾病 or dialysis (you may not be able to receive contrast)
  • Recently placed artificial joints or surgery with metal plates and screws
  • 某些类型的血管 支架
  • Worked with sheet metal in the past (you may need tests to check for metal pieces in your eyes)

因为核磁共振成像含有强磁铁, metal objects are not allowed in the room with the 核磁共振成像 scanner:

  • Pens, pocketknives, and eyeglasses may fly across the room.
  • Items such as jewelry, watches, credit cards, and hearing aids can be damaged.
  • Pins, hairpins, metal zippers, and similar metallic items can distort the images.
  • Removable dental work should be taken out just before the scan.


核磁共振检查不会引起疼痛. 你需要安静地躺着. 太多的移动会导致错误.

The table may be hard or cold, but you can request a blanket or pillow. The machine produces loud thumping and humming noises when turned on. 你可以戴上耳塞来减少噪音.

An intercom in the room lets you speak to someone at any time. Some 核磁共振成像s have televisions and special headphones to help you pass the time.

There is no recovery time, unless you received medicine to relax. After an 核磁共振成像 scan, you can go back to your normal diet, activity, and medicines.


核磁共振成像 is useful for diagnosing and evaluating sports injuries. It can provide clear pictures of parts of the shoulder (such as soft tissues) that are hard to see clearly on CT scans.


  • 肿块在体检时能感觉到的肿块
  • x光或骨扫描的异常发现
  • 肩膀疼痛和发烧
  • 肩关节活动减少
  • 肩关节积液
  • 肩关节发红或肿胀
  • 肩不稳定
  • 肩膀上的弱点
  • 肩痛和癌症病史
  • Shoulder pain that does not get better with treatment


A normal result means no problems were seen in your shoulder and surrounding tissue in the images.



  • 由于年龄的增长而发生的退行性变化
  • 脓肿
  • 骨感染(骨髓炎)
  • 肩骨断裂或骨折
  • 肩部滑囊炎
  • 肱二头肌撕裂
  • 异常骨坏死(血管坏死)
  • 肩袖撕裂
  • 肩袖肌腱炎
  • 肩炎(肩周炎)
  • 肿瘤(包括癌症)
  • 上唇的眼泪
  • 肩部囊肿

这个列表并没有包括所有可能的问题. Talk to your provider with any questions and concerns.


核磁共振成像不使用辐射. No side effects from the magnetic fields and radio waves have been reported.

It is also safe to have 核磁共振成像 performed during pregnancy. 没有任何副作用或并发症被证实.

The most common type of contrast (dye) used is gadolinium. 它很安全. 对这种物质的过敏反应很少发生. However, gadolinium can be harmful to people with kidney problems that require dialysis. If you have kidney problems, please tell your provider before the test.

The strong magnetic fields created during an 核磁共振成像 can cause heart pacemakers and other implants not to work as well. It can also cause a piece of metal inside your body to move or shift. Please make sure you do not bring anything that contains metal into the scanner room, 它会变成弹丸,对你很危险.


Tests that may be done instead of an 肩部核磁共振 include:

  • 肩部CT扫描
  • 肩部x光片

A CT scan may be preferred in some emergency cases, since it is faster and usually available right in the emergency room.


安德森MW,福克斯MG. 肩部核磁共振. 见:安德森MW,福克斯MG,编. 核磁共振成像和CT断层解剖. 第四版. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017:chap 2.

罗西WH,弗雷德里克SS,艾布拉姆斯JS. 肩胛下肌损伤. 见:米勒博士,汤普森博士,编辑. 口腔、Drez& 米勒的骨科运动医学. 5日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 48.

Van Thielen T, van den Hauwe L, Van Goethem JW, Parizel PM. Current status of imaging of the spine and anatomical features. In: Adam A, Dixon AK, Gillard JH, Schaefer-Prokop CM, eds. 格兰杰 & 艾利森诊断放射学. 7日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 47.

审核日期: 04/24/2023

The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. 紧急医疗情况请拨打911. Links to other sites are provided for information only -- they do not constitute endorsements of those other sites. 版权所有©2019 A.D.A.M.公司., as modified by 加州大学旧金山分校. Any duplication or distribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited.

A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.
