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CBC blood test



  • The number of white blood cells (WBC count)
  • The number of red blood cells (RBC count)
  • The number of platelets
  • The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood
  • 红血球血液中由红血球组成的部分(hematocrit)


  • Mean red blood cell volume (MCV)
  • Mean hemoglobin amount per red blood cell (MCH)
  • 血红蛋白的平均量相对于细胞的大小(血红蛋白浓度)每个红细胞(MCHC)

Alternative Names

Complete blood count; Anemia - CBC

How the Test is Performed

A blood sample is needed.

How to Prepare for the Test


How the Test will Feel

当针头插入抽血时,您可能会感到中度疼痛. 有些人只感到刺痛或刺痛. 之后可能会有一些悸动或轻微的瘀伤. This soon goes away.

Why the Test is Performed

全血细胞计数是一种常用的实验室检查. 它可用于检测或监测许多不同的健康状况. 您的医疗保健提供者可能会要求进行此测试:

  • If you are having symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, 发烧或其他感染的迹象, weakness, bruising, bleeding, or any signs of cancer
  • 当你正在接受治疗(药物或放疗),可能会改变你的血细胞计数结果
  • 监测长期(慢性)健康问题,可能会改变你的血液计数结果, such as chronic kidney disease

Normal Results

血液计数可能随海拔而变化. In general, normal results are:

RBC count:

  • Male: 4.7 to 6.1 million cells/mcL
  • Female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL

WBC count:

  • 4,500 to 10,000 cells/mcL


  • Male: 40.7% to 50.3%
  • Female: 36.1% to 44.3%


  • Male: 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dL
  • Female: 12.1 to 15.1 gm/dL

Red blood cell indices:

  • MCV: 80 to 95 femtoliter
  • MCH: 27 to 31 pg/cell
  • MCHC: 32 to 36 gm/dL

Platelet count:

  • 150,000 to 450,000/dL

上面的例子是这些测试结果的常用测量方法. 不同实验室的正常值范围可能略有不同. 一些实验室使用不同的测量方法或测试不同的样品. 和你的十大赌博平台排行榜谈谈你的具体检查结果的意义.

What Abnormal Results Mean


  • A lack of enough water and fluids, such as from severe diarrhea, excessive sweating, 或者用来治疗高血压的水丸
  • Kidney disease with high erythropoietin production
  • 血液中氧含量很长时间都很低, 最常见的原因是心脏或肺部疾病, chronic carbon monoxide exposure, or living at a high altitude
  • Polycythemia vera
  • Smoking
  • Use of testosterone


  • Blood loss (要么是突然的,要么是由于长时间的月经过多等问题)
  • 骨髓衰竭(例如,放射、感染或肿瘤)
  • Breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis)
  • Cancer and cancer treatment
  • 某些长期(慢性)疾病, such as chronic kidney disease, ulcerative colitis, or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Iron deficiency
  • Leukemia
  • Long-term infections such as hepatitis
  • 饮食和营养不良导致铁元素过少 folate, vitamin B12, or vitamin B6
  • Multiple myeloma

白细胞计数低于正常水平称为白细胞减少症. 白细胞计数减少可能是由于:

  • Alcohol abuse and liver damage
  • Autoimmune diseases (such as systemic lupus erythematosus)
  • 骨髓衰竭(例如,由于感染、肿瘤、放射或纤维化)
  • 化疗药物:用于治疗癌症的化疗药物
  • Disease of the liver or spleen
  • Enlarged spleen
  • 由病毒引起的感染,如单核细胞增多症或艾滋病
  • Medicines

白细胞计数高称为白细胞增多症. It can result from:

  • 某些药物,如皮质类固醇
  • Infections
  • Diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or allergy
  • Leukemia
  • 严重的精神或身体压力
  • 组织损伤(如烧伤或心脏病发作)


  • Bleeding
  • 癌症或血液病等疾病
  • Iron deficiency
  • Problems with the bone marrow

A low platelet count may be due to:

  • 血小板被破坏的疾病
  • Pregnancy
  • Enlarged spleen
  • 骨髓衰竭(例如,由于感染、肿瘤、放射或纤维化)
  • 化疗药物:用于治疗癌症的化疗药物


抽血的风险很小. 静脉和动脉的大小因人而异, 从身体的一边到另一边. 从某些人身上采血可能比从其他人身上采血更困难.


  • Excessive bleeding
  • Fainting or feeling lightheaded
  • 血肿(皮肤下积血)
  • 感染(任何时候皮肤破裂都有轻微风险)


红细胞运输血红蛋白,而血红蛋白又运输氧气. 机体组织接受的氧气量取决于红细胞和血红蛋白的数量和功能.

白细胞是炎症的介质 immune response. 有各种类型的白细胞通常出现在血液中:

  • 中性粒细胞(多形核白细胞)
  • 带细胞(略不成熟的中性粒细胞)
  • T-type lymphocytes (T cells)
  • B-type lymphocytes (B cells)
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • Basophils


Lin JC, Benz Jr. EJ. 成人和儿童贫血的治疗方法. In: Hoffman R, Benz EJ, Silberstein LE,等编. 血液学:基本原理与实践. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 35.

Means RT. Approach to the anemias. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 26th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 149.

Vajpayee N, Graham SS, Bem S. 血液和骨髓的基本检查. In: McPherson RA, Pincus MR, eds. 亨利氏病的临床诊断及实验室方法处理. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 31.

Review Date: 10/16/2022

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Information developed by A.D.A.M., Inc. 关于测试和测试结果可能与UCSF健康中心提供的信息不直接对应. 请与您的十大赌博平台排行榜讨论您可能有的任何问题或担忧.


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